1. cptcity::cpt_names
    Names of the 7140 color gradients of cptcity R Package
  2. vein::decoder
    Description data.frame for MOVES
  3. vein::fe2015
    Emission factors from Environmental Agency of Sao Paulo CETESB
  4. vein::fkm
    List of functions of mileage in km fro Brazilian fleet
  5. vein::net
    Road network of the west part of Sao Paulo city
  6. vein::pc_cold
    Profile of Vehicle start patterns
  7. vein::pc_profile
    Profile of traffic data 24 hours 7 n days of the week
  8. vein::pollutants
    Data.frame with pollutants names and molar mass used in VEIN
    data.frame|148 x 10
  9. vein::profiles
    Profile of traffic data 24 hours 7 n days of the week